Not a female of course, but I love the law of confusing attraction, It definitely also applies to men. Especially with accents, where accents you might have found annoying or frustrating (because they’re difficult to understand) at home become the sexiest turn ons while traveling. Don’t speak their language well? That’s fine, your awkward silences are magically transformed into sexy silences! This also applies to career/life accomplishments and hygiene, the first loses all importance (oh you work at a coffeeshop and live at home? Fascinating!) and lack of showers become more like a badge of honor than a turn off. Finally, any “date” you take will instantly have the romance factor cranked up to 11, because you and your date will be wandering the streets of a medieval town, or walking some foreign beach at night. Even just drinking drinks you don’t normally drink at a bar you’ve never been to in a place where they don’t speak English feels like a beautiful night worthy of its own movie.